German waterways are one of the oldest and most beautiful tourist attractions in the country. These waterways run throughout the country and offer breathtaking views of the landscape and historical landmarks.
The most famous German waterway is the Rhine, which runs through the entire country from its source to its mouth at the North Sea. The Rhine is an important transportation hub, and many tourists enjoy cruises on hotel and excursion boats. For recreational boats, a network of public moorings and private marinas has been built throughout Germany.
Popular waterways
Another popular waterway is the Danube, which flows through Germany, Austria, and other Central European countries. The Danube is ideal for boat and kayak trips and offers visitors a view of historic cities such as Regensburg and Passau, then Vienna in Austria, Bratislava in Slovakia, etc. in another article.
Other popular waterways include the Elbe River, which runs through Germany and the Czech Republic and offers beautiful views of the landscape and historical landmarks in the area.
In addition to waterways, canals are also very popular in Germany, such as the Mittelland Canal, which connects the Rhine to the North Sea and offers breathtaking views of the landscape and historical landmarks.
Through the Berlin Lakes and the Brieskow Canal, you can reach Poland on the Oder River (if there is water), which is navigable towards the Czech Republic almost to Ratiboř. On the other side, then to the Baltic.
From Germany, you can then sail to France, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, and on the Danube, for example, to the Black Sea.
German waterways are a great choice for tourists and boat enthusiasts who want to explore the beauty of the country from a different perspective. These waterways offer the opportunity to discover historic cities, admire beautiful landscapes, and experience endless adventures on the water.
Plan your European trip through Euris.
Název | Splavnění | Třída | |
1. | Labe | 714 km | N, N, VIb, Va |
2. | Rýn | 697 km | VIc, VIb |
3. | Vezera | 415 km | IV, N |
4. | Mohan | 383 km | Vb |
5. | Mosela | 242 km | Vb |
6. | Havola | 206 km | III, III, IV |
7. | Neckar | 200 km | Va |
8. | Dunaj | 199 km | VIb, Vb, VIa |
9. | Odra | 169 km | IV |
10. | Sála | 161 km | IV, I, 0 |
11. | Lahn | 122 km | 0 |
12. | Elde | 116 km | I |
13. | Aller | 106 km | II |
14. | Sára | 104 km | Vb, I |
15. | Fulda | 97 km | I, 0 |
16. | Pěna | 94 km | III, IV |
17. | Eider | 89 km | I |
18. | Horní Havola | 78 km | I |
19. | Ruhr | 71 km | Va, I |
20. | Leine | 61 km | 0 |
21. | Unstrut | 61 km | 0 |
22. | Werra | 60 km | 0 |
23. | Emže | 38 km | N |
24. | Spréva | 32 km | IV, IV, III |
25. | Postupimská Havola | 29 km | IV |
26. | Ilmenau | 28 km | I, III |
27. | Hunte | 25 km | N |
28. | Trave | 23 km | N |
29. | Dahme | 19 km | IV |
30. | Müggelspree | 13 km | III |
31. | Rüdersdorfer Gewässer | 11 km | III |
Celkem | 4 662 km |
N = Uncut – accessible to naval vessels
Water canals
Název | Délka | Třída | |
1. | Středoněmecký průplav | 325 km | Vb |
2. | Dortmund – Emže kanál | 295 km | Vb, IV |
3. | Mohan – Dunaj kanál | 171 km | Vb |
4. | Labský postranní kanál | 115 km | Vb |
5. | Kielský průplav | 98 km | N |
6. | Datteln – Hamm kanál | 94 km | VI/Vb, VI/Vb |
7. | Odra – Spréva kanál | 84 km | III |
8. | Pobřežní kanál | 70 km | IV |
9. | Labe-Lübeck kanál | 62 km | IV |
10. | Wesel – Datteln kanál | 60 km | Vb |
11. | Labe – Havola kanál | 55 km | IV |
12. | Rýn – Herne kanál | 45 km | Vb |
13. | Teltow kanál | 38 km | IV |
14. | Havola kanál | 34 km | IV |
15. | Müritz – Havola kanál | 32 km | I |
16. | Müritz – Elde kanál | 31 km | I |
17. | Hovala – Odra kanál | 19 km | IV |
18. | Salzgitter kanál | 18 km | Vb |
19. | Hildesheim kanál | 15 km | IV |
20. | Osnabrück kanál | 14 km | IV |
21. | Berlín – Spandauer kanál | 12 km | IV, III |
22. | Hannover – Linden kanál | 11 km | IV |
23. | Landwehr kanál | 11 km | I |
24. | Rothenseer spojovací kanál | 5 km | Vb |
25. | Plauer kanal | 4 km | III |
26. | Britzer spojovací kanál | 3 km | IV |
27. | Westhafen kanál | 3 km | IV |
28. | Gosen kanál | 3 km | III |
29. | Reeckkanal | 3 km | I |
30. | Charlottenburger Verbindungs kanál | 2 km | IV |
31. | Niegripper spojovací kanál | 2 km | IV |
32. | Jižní spojovací kanál Weser | 1 km | IV |
33. | Severní spojovací kanál Weser | 1 km | IV |
Celkem | 1 737 km |
N = Uncut – accessible to naval vessels
Název | Délka | Třída | |
1. | Bodamské jezero | 72 km | II |
2. | Muritzsee | 23 km | I |
3. | Wannsee | 3 km | IV |
Celkem | 98 km |