Port card and its use

pristavni karta
port card

You have to get a port card if you want to use the services in the berths operated by the RCVCCR.

At present, you can use the card to pay for berths / you need to check in advance at the individual ports / for space. In some ports, for example, a day or 48 hours is free, in others, e.g. the port of Prague – Dr. Edvard Beneš, parking is paid for directly and other services are paid for via the card.

You can use the card to pay for electricity, water, septic tank. The card is operated through the control machines located on the piers.

When you arrive, you can use the card to check in at a certain place and you can also book your electricity and water consumption immediately by entering the preliminary consumption. If you do not use up , the balance will be transferred back to your card – you must do this before checking out. When you leave, you must check out of the place by attaching your card and selecting the check out function.

Through the website you can top up your card, check your current balance and review the services you have used.

I recommend that you check by phone before each scheduled port stop whether there is space and whether the card also pays for parking.

The columns are equipped with :

  • 230 V electricity, maximum 10-16 A, CEE (camping) plug – a reducer can be used
  • Water through a hose, using a NITO ½“ quick coupling (no other nipples allowed!).
  • Fecal water from portable toilets to sink with flush
  • Fecal or tank water by pumping out of tanks with a pump

Reducers can be purchased for both connections:



Details of the individual moorings can be found at www.lodime.cz.

Therefore, if you want to use the services in the ports of the RCRC , you must have your card with you.

Every year the marinas are expanding, it will be great when these facilities will also appear in the destinations of Slapy and Orlik . I would like to draw your attention to our application www.lodime.cz, where you will find, in addition to public , also private piers and berths – launched for the season 2023.

During your cruises you can also use the services of individual clubs and marinas.

You can purchase a card:

Ředitelství vodních cest, správa přístaviště nábřeží Ed. Beneše mapa
nábř. Ed. Beneše 338/10, 118 00 Praha 7tel: +420 727963376rvccr@rvccr.cz
 N 50°5.69025′, E 14°25.43582′
Hluboká nad Vltavou, přístav – správa přístavu
Distributor: Meliorace České Budějovice spol. s r.o.mapa
Přístav Hluboká nad Vltavou, Podskalí, 373 41 Hluboká nad Vltavoutel: +420 778719531, +420 607030520info@infopointvltava.cz
období od 1.5. do 15.6. a od 1.9. do 31.10.: Po – Ne 8:00 – 11:00 a 16.00 – 18:00 hod.
období od 16.6. do 30.8.:  Po – Ne 8:00 – 12:00 a 14:00 – 19:00 hod.
49°2’56.073″N 14°26’34.967″E
České Budějovice, přístav České Vrbné – správa přístavu
Distributor: České Budějovice Vojtěcha Adalberta Lanny, o.s.mapa
Přístav České Vrbné, 370 04 České Budějovicetel: +420 607030510info@infopointvltava.cz
období od 20.6. do 31.8.:     Út – So 10:00 – 16:0049°0’46.289″N 14°27’14.981″E
České Budějovice, přístaviště Lannova loděnice – Kavárna LANNA, Jiráskovo nábřeží
Distributor: A – stav Bohemia s.r.o. mapa
Kavárna LANNA, Jiráskovo nábřeží 45e, 370 04 České Budějovicetel: +420607030500info@infopointvltava.cz
Po – Pá 7:00 – 21:00, So,Ne 10:00 – 21:0048°58’42.742″N 14°28’0.891″E
Nučnice, přístaviště – motorest Nučnice
Distributor: Tintěra Milanmapa
Motorest Nučnice, Křešice 6, 411 48 Křešicetel: +420 602585500tintera@motorest-nucnice.cz
Po – Čt 10:30 – 22:00, Pá 10:30 – 23:00, So 11:00 – 23:00, Ne 11:00 – 22:00    50°05’35.1″N 14°26’04.0″E
SP Praha s.r.o.
Distributor: SP Praha s.r.o., Dovolená s lodí.czmapa
Komunardů 43, 170 00 Praha 7tel: +420 777697043sppraha@sppraha.cz
po – út 9:30 – 13:30 14:00 – 19:00 st 9:30 – 13:30 čt 9:30 – 13:30 14:00 – 19:00
pá 9:30 – 13:30 so 9:45 – 14:15
50°06’19.8″N 14°26’59.0″E
Informační centrum Baťova kanálu
Distributor: Baťův kanál, o. p. s.mapa
Panský dvůr
Galerie Baťova kanálu (1.poschodí)
náměstí Míru 664,
Veselí nad Moravou
tel: +420 518325330ic@batacanal.cz
 48°57’6.372″N 17°23’0.264″E
Přístav Petrov
Distributor: PUZA, s. r. o.mapa
Přístav Petrov
Petrov č.p. 525
tel: +420 778 751 569 
 období od 1.5. do 31.5. a od 1.9. do 30.9.: Po – Ne 9:00 – 11:00 a 15.00 – 18:00 hod.
období od 1.6. do 31.8.:  Po – Ne 9:00 – 13:00 a 14:00 – 19:00 hod.
48°53’13.218″N, 17°16’22.221″E
Plavidlo Ámos Strážnice
Distributor: Vodní doprava s.r.o. 
Vodní doprava s.r.o.
Rybářská 1228, 696 62 Strážnice
tel: +420 603 371 350 

Port Card information and website:


Richard Šnapek – lodime.cz