
Haukivesi is a lake in southeastern Finland, part of the Saimaa lake system. Haukivesi is the central basin of the system and collects 80% of the water that eventually flows into Lake Ladoga via the Vuoksi River. Its area is 562.31 km² (217.11 sq mi). Like the other lakes of the system,). It has a convoluted coastline with numerous islands and is divided into a number of smaller areas (selkä), such as Siitinselkä, Saviluoto, Tahkoselkä, Vuoriselkä, Kuokanselkä, Kuivaselkä, Heposelkä, Peonselkä, Tuunaanselkä, Hiekonselkä, Varparannanselkä and Iso-Haukivesi. Haukivesi extends from Varkaus to Savonlinna in a north-east-south-west direction. The northern part is shallow, less than 20 metres, but deepens towards the south-east to 60 metres at Kuivaselkä.

Most of the water comes from the east, through the Tappuvirta, Oravikoski and Haponlahti locks. A smaller inflow is from the north, via Pirtinvirta in Varkaus. Of the lakes in the Saimaa system, Haukivesi receives the most nutrients. Water quality varies from place to place due to the different water quality of the tributaries. In Haukivesi, nutrient-rich water coming from the north mixes with cleaner water from the east. The largest individual source of pollution is the town of Varkaus and its pulp mills, but smaller settlements and diffuse pollution from agriculture and forestry also contribute. 3) Until the 1970s the lake was heavily polluted by pulp mills. But stricter regulation has forced pulp mills to treat their wastewater and the lake has improved.

Parts of the lake

The southernmost part of Haukivesi is Haapavesi and most of its southern shore is covered by the town of Savonlinna. The water flows through the Matarinsalmi Head into Haapavesi, from where it flows through several channels to the Pihlajavesi section of Saimaa.

In the middle of the lake is Linnansaari National Park. The name Haukivesi means ‚water for pike‘ and the lake is indeed known as a good place to catch pike besides bream, perch and pikeperch. However, fishing is restricted here due to the national park and the protection of the endangered Saimaa ringed seal.

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