New EuRIS Online Portal for Inland Waterway Navigation Planning
Functionality from September 29th and services are free
Overview of the situation on waterways and the possibility of planning a voyage throughout Europe
Overview of the situation on waterways for users and business partners
Current and continuous overview of the situation on waterways
Crucial importance for reliable transportation and navigation planning
Information provided by the European River Information Services (EuRIS)
User-friendly portal for voyage planning
Combination of information from 13 European countries on one web platform
Ability to view and gather information in real-time
Sharing information with others, such as ETA
Secure environment for protection of sensitive data
EuRIS – Coverage of main inland waterway corridors in Europe
Includes 7 main corridors and many other waterways
Collaboration of 13 European countries in creating the platform
Availability of real-time information
Benefits for users
The possibility of planning a voyage and arrival throughout Europe
Gaining an overview of the current traffic situation on the navigation route
Gathering information on waiting times, incidents, and restrictions
Sharing information with others, such as ports and customers.