The Czech Waterways Directorate has initiated the construction of an additional public dock for recreational boats on the Elbe River in Štětí, thereby making the network of public wharves on the Elbe Waterway denser. Notably, users of the waterway will be able to moor their boats for free for 48 hours and draw electricity from the electricity poles by using a port card. Importantly, this project is part of a programme to construct public wharves on the waterway that support recreational boating, which the Directorate of Waterways of the Czech Republic has been implementing for a long time.
Features of the Štětí Dock and its Projected Operation
A public wharf for 12 small vessels, up to 20 m in length, is being constructed on the right bank of the Elbe River near the centre of Štětí. It is set to start operating in the spring of 2023 and will cater to tourists. The floating booms are foldable, which will keep them secure in case of flooding. The pier structure is sturdy and is projected to be submerged at the five-year water level.There is no water supply to the pier, so the three tapping posts will only provide an electricity connection. Access to the pier is barrier-free and is provided by a four-metre long access footbridge.
Director of Waterways Expresses Pleasure in Thickening the Public Wharf Network
Lubomír Fojtů, the Director of the Waterways Directorate, expressed pleasure in thickening the public wharf network. Tourists can take full advantage of the river and explore its surroundings. Recreational boating is thriving across Europe and the Czech Republic. Construction on docks in Roudnice nad Labem and Čelákovice has recently begun. Dock modernisation in Litoměřice will be completed soon. The Elbe River is being developed to attract tourists, like the Bata Canal and Vltava River.
Pile Drilling Progresses Smoothly for the Štětí Dock Construction
Vertical steel columns are the foundation of the construction and are anchored into the river bed via reinforced concrete piles. Jan Zeman, project manager of Metrostav, a.s., reports that pile drilling is currently in progress. The drilling rig’s position on the embankment edge is making the process easier. A pile driver, which is typically harder to handle, is not required.
Details on the Construction Costs and Funding of the Štětí Dock Project
The construction costs of 22.3 million CZK were incurred by the project. CZK 22.5 million excluding VAT is financed by the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure.
About the Waterways Directorate of the Czech Republic
The Waterways Directorate of the Czech Republic is an organisational unit of the state, established by the Ministry of Transport to ensure the preparation and implementation of the construction and modernisation of transport-significant waterways and other structures necessary for the operation on waterways.
The Directorate of Waterways of the Czech Republic also operates public ports and harbours as well as the tugboat BESKYDY.