Preparation of the boat lift at Slapy
The Directorate of Waterways (ŘVC) has progressed in its preparations for the construction of the boat lift at Slapy and intends to launch a tender for a contractor for the documentation for the building permit this year. The deputy head of the RVC, Jan Bukovský, said, „We are now finalizing the specification of the assignment.“ Construction, with an estimated cost of 2.5 billion, is expected to start in 2023.
Slapan water dam
The Slapy dam is also the largest obstacle on the 240 km long Vltava waterway between České Budějovice and Mělník. The ship is now transported across it on a wagon behind a tractor.
In 2026, a new ship lifting facility should be completed, which will enable the transport of vessels with dimensions of 44 x 5.6 metres across the height difference of 55 metres in 55 minutes.
Construction of the ship lift
The ship hoist will be inclined and used to transport vessels. The construction will include a lock, the construction part of which is already completed. Ships will enter the lift tub through a tunnel. The lift is situated on the right bank.
Modernisation of the lift on Orlík
In parallel with the construction of the boat lift at Slapy, the Vltava River Basin is preparing the construction of the lift at Orlík. Completion of the construction and the construction of the additional safety spillway will be possible after 2025. Smaller boats can already cross the Orlik thanks to the existing lift, which is being modernised at a cost of 100 million. Upgrading the lift will allow operation even under reduced water levels, but it can still manage.