D-O-L canal project finally completed


The government, after much consideration and debate, has ultimately decided to abolish the territorial reserves for the D-O-L water corridor. This monumental decision was confirmed by Transport Minister Martin Kupka of the ODS party.


„Gov’t removal of protection halts canal project supported by Pres. Zeman, aligning with coalition program.“ Both Unucka and Macura have voiced their approval of the government’s decision.

However, it is unfortunate that the idea to stretch the Oder River to Ostrava has not been pursued. It could be argued that Poland is ready for such a project and the necessary preparations and agreements have already been made. On the other side of the border, a dry polder has been established and is being prepared for potential use as a recreational area once it is flooded. Perhaps in the future, this idea will become a reality.

For those interested in water-based travel, the navigable distance from the border is approximately 70km from the town of Kędzierzyn-Koźle. If conditions allow, with sufficient water and draft, you can reach the sea or European waterways. The marina Lasoki is highly recommended as a starting point for your cruise, with convenient parking and mooring arrangements available. The marina offers excellent facilities, including an easy descent into the water.

Press conference after the government meeting

Source: ČT24

Transport Minister Kupka announced government’s approval of removal of territorial reserve for Danube-Oder-Labe link, cancelling past resolutions. He described project as pointless, stating no funding was provided by current gov. and all financial costs were stopped last year. Kupka wants focus on practical water projects, like construction of moorings for small vessels and tourist boats on Elbe. In light of Poland’s Oder Canal plans, gov. to conduct economic, transport, and environmental study to determine viability of building section on Czech side.

Regional Development Minister Ivan Bartoš said that the canal is now dead following the government’s decision. „The project is not economically feasible and poses a huge risk to the landscape and its ecosystems. It would be a huge waste of public funds and our natural resources,“ Bartoš said. He also emphasized that the vacant land could be used for the meaningful development of communities.

Danube-Oder-Labe canal project goes ahead despite opposition from local governments

Mayor Macura rejoices at the gov’s choice to abolish territorial reserves for the proposed Danube-Oder-Labe canal, highlighting prospects for urban growth and lessening ecological dangers. Meanwhile, Deputy Unucka counsels proceeding with caution and the necessity to revise altered reserves within 5-7 years. He favors the minimal approach of floating the Oder to Bohumín for gas import, but sees no requirement if Stork 2 pipeline to Poland is adopted.

„Ančincová Backs Abolishment of Territorial Reserves“ – Deputy Governor Ančincová, in charge of the environment in Zlín, supports the removal of territorial reserves for the Danube-Oder-Labe canal project. She highlights that the proposed investment of CZK 600 billion would have been insufficient to safeguard the landscape and ecosystems, and the funds could be utilized more effectively.

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